17 February 2024

Support Your Local Police

Cops are trained to be cowards. 

For example, police are are trained that if someone is closer to you than 20 feet might have a knife, so empty your magazine into them.

It means that we see too many shootings, and this training is a petri dish for creating PTSD.

It comes as no surprise then that a police officer in Florida emptied his gun and dove for cover in response to an acorn falling on the roof of his car.

This is not aberrant behavior.  He has been trained to react in this way since his days at the police academy:

Loads of people feel skittish on the job and can be spooked by the slightest noise, but if you’re that kind of person it’s maybe not a good idea to have a career that lets you loose on the streets with a loaded weapon. Something Florida cops are likely to consider after video emerged this week of a Florida cop firing all the bullets from his gun and running for cover after he was spooked by a falling acorn.

The officer, identified as deputy Jesse Hernandez, emptied the clip on his firearm back in November 2023 while attending to a call at McLaren Circle in Kissimmee, Florida. Hernandez had been attending a call in the area when an acorn fell from an oak tree and struck the roof of his squad car.

In body cam footage shared across social media, the officer was seen jumping to the ground and shouted “shots fired” after the acorn strikes the roof of his car. He then turned and emptied every bullet from his gun, each aimed squarely at his squad car.

While Hernandez fired on the car, Marquis Jackson, who was accused of stealing his girlfriend’s car, was in the back of the police cruiser. Officers had searched, handcuffed and loaded the accused into the back of the police car and, despite being cuffed, it was Jackson that the officer thought was shooting at him.

We need to be clear, now-former deputy Jesse Hernandez was doing what he was trained to do, to assume that any anomaly was a lethal threat, and respond with lethal force.

This philosophy, best known by moniker, "Killology," coined by Dave Grossman, is designed to produce this result.

This is why I argue that the police need to be razed to the ground as an institution and rebuilt from scratch.


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