10 November 2022

Headline of the Day

NEWS ANALYSIS: Who Can Be Blamed for Not Blowing the Midterms?

It turns out that the Democratic Party establishment (There is no Democratic Party establishment) had set extensive plan in motion to blame progressives for their "Shellacking", and now that we have seen one of the best midterm elections for the party in power, the Democratic Party establishment (There is no Democratic Party establishment) is unsure what to do.

Their plan, of course, was to blame the left for destroying the Democratic Party's elections chances by:

  • Demanding the (fabulously popular) student loan relief.
  • Demanding the (fabulously popular) prescription drug price restrictions.
  • Demanding the (fabulously popular) an end to surprise medical billing.
  • Demanding the (fabulously popular) aggressive anti monopoly enforcement.
  • Demanding the (fabulously popular) increase in the minimum wage.
  • Demanding the (fabulously popular) support for childcare.
  • Demanding the (fabulously popular) tax increase on the rich.

Have you noticed a theme in what the "Radical Centrists" find alarming?

That old joke about the centrists has more than a grain of truth to it, 

Just got back from the centrist rally. Amazing turnout. Thousands of people holding hands and chanting, “Better things aren’t possible”.

Money quote from the article:

It would now seem that this cycle’s ritual flaying of the out-of-touch far-left will have to be postponed or altered. The tireless and organized progressive effort to run a national campaign that was relentlessly pro-crime, pro-inflation, and pro-classroom accommodations for cat children proved, if not quite an outright winner, at least not a definitive loser. For members of the press tearing up prewritten News Analysis pieces about gas prices and bail reform, this is no great loss: Republicans now have scapegoating of their own to do.

Something, even a bad something, beats nothing in politics, and the centrists stand for nothing but their own careers.


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