06 August 2024

Quote of the Day

They're all out. Big tech doesn’t have another thing. Google doesn't have any ideas. Meta is so out of ideas that it changed its name to another, worse idea, one associated with Mark Zuckerberg burning $45 billion for no reason. Amazon has never been in the ideas business — it’s the founder of the cloud storage cartel with Microsoft, Oracle and Google. Big Tech is lazy because they've all agreed to compete only a little, never coloring too far out the lines, because doing so might expose big tech to an actual risk, like regulation, or having to hire people that built new things versus exploiting current customers.
—ED Zitron of Where's Your Ed AtDiscussing the generally moribund state of AI and big tech.

You should read the whole thing, but this paragraph distills the the useless and mendacity of modern Silly-Con Valley tech in general, and LLM "Artificial Intelligence" in particular, into one concise paragraph.

H/t Atrios


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