13 July 2024

Worse than a Crime, a Mistake

The Democratic Socialists of America have rescinded their endorsement of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez because she noted that there were some antisemites among the pro-Palestinian movement.

Note that I said, "Some," as did AOC, but that is too much for DSA, so they turned their back on their most prominent member. 

Stupid, and (ironically) antisemitic:

The Democratic Socialists of America on Wednesday pulled their endorsement of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for reelection until she publicly opposes all funding to Israel and publicly backs the BDS movement "to end Israeli settler-colonialism."
The phrase, "End Israeli settler-coloniasm,," means the destruction of the state of Israel.
DSA, the organization for which Ocasio-Cortez is among the most prominent members, specifically highlighted the New York lawmaker's participation in a panel with leading Jewish establishment experts on antisemitism.
Oh, the humanity.


Jewish Council for Public Affairs CEO Amy Spitalnick, one of the two experts on the panel, decried the DSA statement, saying "the fact that our – nuanced, complex, and frank – conversation on antisemitism is somehow beyond the pale for DSA should tell you everything you need to know."

No, it doesn't tell you everything about DSA that you need to know.  It just tells you about its moonbat leadership.

Two overly broad brushes do not create truth.


DSA further took issue with Ocasio-Cortez voting in favor of a resolution condemning Hamas, and equating the denial of Israel's right to exist with antisemitism. Republican Rep. Thomas Massie was the only U.S. lawmaker to vote against the resolution, while Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib voted present.

Yeah, right, Hamas is a bunch of Boy Scouts.  Boy scouts who take hostages and detain them in the middle of civilian concentrations in order to maximize civilian casualties.

This is stupid self-destructive sh%$ that DSA is engaging in.

It's a pity that DSA is intent on slitting its own throat.


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