16 July 2024

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!

The most incredibly guilty politician in the United States, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, has been convicted on all 16 corruption counts.

They caught him with a sh%$ load of gold bars in his house, so the conviction is not a surprise.

Good riddance:

Sen. Bob Menendez was convicted Tuesday of taking bribes from three businessmen who showered him and his wife with cash, gold bars and a Mercedes-Benz, an extravagant bounty for his help securing deals with foreign officials and trying to derail several criminal investigations in New Jersey.

The jury in Manhattan federal court found the once powerful New Jersey lawmaker guilty on all 16 felony counts. They include bribery, extortion, wire fraud, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and acting as a foreign agent for Egypt from 2018 to 2022, when Menendez was at the height of his influence in Washington, serving as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee or as the panel’s top Democrat while his party was in the minority.


Menendez did not testify in his own defense. He vowed to appeal, and legal experts say he could be helped by the Supreme Court’s rulings in recent years narrowing the scope of federal bribery laws. 
Anyone want take bets on whether or not Clarence Thomas has gold bars in his house?

It does appear that conservatives on the court have been determined to narrow the scope of corruption with a zeal that implies some degree of self interest.


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