11 July 2024

Good Riddance

According to the police officers' union, 56% of officers on the Phoenix PD are planning on leaving if the city signs a consent decree with the feds.

First, let me give you three rules for understanding the statements from police and police unions regarding common sense reforms and accountability measures:

  1. Police lie.
  2. Police unions lie even more.
  3. Goto 1.

I would also add that any officer who wants to leave the force because they will not be allowed to operate above the law is in fact lawless, and so their exit should be celebrated:

The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association is the largest union of rank and file police officers employed by the city.

The group is warning that more than half of its officers are thinking about quitting within six months unless city leaders fight oversight from the U.S. Justice Department.

The union known by the acronym PLEA represents roughly 2,200 officers and detectives. Just over half took part in an internal survey, and 56% said they’re considering leaving the Phoenix Police Department.

The survey also found that nearly 90% of those officers would be willing to stay if Phoenix leaders refuse to sign an oversight agreement.

If cops don't want to follow the law, they should not be cops.


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