13 June 2024

What to Lead With

2 pieces of Elon Musk news, and I'll think that I'll go with ……… The lawsuit against him alleging absolutely horrible sexual harassment by the Apartheid Era Emerald Heir Pedo Guy™.

It appears that he routinely hit on women who worked with him, and one case fired, or at least "constructively dismissed" a woman for not having his baby.

Even for musk, this is skeevy stuff:

When Elon Musk personally contacted a former SpaceX engineering intern to discuss a role on his executive staff in 2017, the woman spoke with excitement to her friends about a high-profile problem-solving role at the rocket company, a dream for someone a few years out of college.


Musk, who is more than 20 years her senior, attempted to restart their relationship but she rejected his advance. They remained close as she tried to establish herself in the new job.

He texted her often and invited her to come over to his Los Angeles mansion at night on multiple occasions. Sometimes she accepted his invitations, but friends said she told them at the time that his behavior made her job harder.

She eventually moved off Musk’s executive team, according to friends she told and to people familiar with her time at SpaceX. The woman left the company in 2019.

Her lawyers, who also represent Musk, provided the Journal with two affidavits signed by the woman. The affidavits disputed some aspects of the Journal’s reporting but confirmed many others, including that she had a romantic relationship with Musk in the past. She said she invited him to dinner near the end of her summer internship and broke things off the following year.

Note that bit at the end, "Her lawyers, who also represent Musk?"  That's a tell from the reporters that Musk paid her off, and is keeping her on a short leash via a payment and a non disclosure agreement.


She is one of several female employees at SpaceX who have told friends, family, or the company itself, that Musk showed them an unusual amount of attention or pursued them.

One woman, a SpaceX flight attendant, alleged that in 2016 Musk exposed himself to her and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for sex acts.

This is LITERALLY Musk saying, "Don't tell anyone, and I'll get you a pony," and yes, this has sexual predator written all over it.

Another woman who left the company in 2013 alleged in exit negotiations with SpaceX human resources and legal executives that Musk had asked her to have his babies.
This is some real Jeffrey Epstein sh%$ here. (For those of you who don't recall Epstein wanted to populate the world with scores of his progeny in addition to f%$#ing underage girls.
A fourth woman had a month-long sexual relationship with Musk in 2014 while she directly reported to him. The relationship ended badly, leading to recriminations over text and email as she left the company and signed an agreement prohibiting her from discussing her work for Musk.

Former SpaceX executives, as well as fired SpaceX employees who complained to the National Labor Relations Board in 2022, say a high-level group around Musk fails to apply his company’s own rules to the CEO, contributing to a culture of sexism and harassment.
And then there is this, which makes it even more creepy:


Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX’s president and chief operating officer, said the Journal’s reporting doesn’t reflect SpaceX’s culture.

“The untruths, mischaracterizations, and revisionist history in your email paint a completely misleading narrative,” she said. “I continue to be amazed by what this extraordinary group of people are achieving every day even amidst all the forces acting against us. And Elon is one of the best humans I know.”

If this sounds familiar, let me rephrase this, "Elon Musk is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life." 

But don't worry about Elon, Tesla shareholders just voted to approve his $45,000,000,000.00 pay package, because the board of directors has their tongues so far up Elon's ass that they taste tonsils. (They also voted to move the HQ to Texas)

At a minimum, I hope that both moves are delayed in court for years.


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