13 March 2024

Yet Another Reason Not to Give at Pledge Time

A good Ecch (Twitter) discussion of the issue in the context of a relationship.
H/t naked capitalism.
Not just because because of their decades long Jihad against low power non commercial radio, (I have mentioned this a few times) but because it appears that they have a penchant for hiring oh so pleasant narcissistic psychopaths in senior positions.

If you read this article and are not completely appalled, you lack either a brain or a soul.

The author, Malaka Gharib, is oh so embarrassed at the fact that her immune compromised and chronically ill husband continues to insist on taking Covid precautions.

It's so inconvenient to have to wear a mask in a movie theater, or make sure that the air is clean, don't you know:

In 2022, while I was 7 months pregnant, my husband and I got COVID. While it was a mild case for me, he had scary, lingering symptoms. He said it felt like there was "an engine humming in his chest." He experienced frightening fits of insomnia. And his personality changed — my normally upbeat husband became uncharacteristically depressed.
Yeah, Covid f%$s with your health, and it affects the brain, so it is no surprise that he was depressed and unable to sleep.

Do you know what else Covid does?  It f%$#s with the development of unborn children.

But your case was mild, so there's nothing to worry about, right?

After a few months, his symptoms went away, but his fears of getting COVID didn't. He is immunocompromised and his doctors warned him that if he got sick again, it may complicate his autoimmune disease. Plus, he didn't want to repeat his traumatic ordeal, especially with a baby on the way.
So, he went through months of hell, is in a high risk category, and does not want to repeat the experience?  How bourgeois!


So while the rest of the world seems to have moved on from the pandemic, in our house, it is still 2020. We wear masks when we go into public indoor spaces. We don't eat inside restaurants. We don't go to movies. We have people take COVID tests before they enter our house. All this leaves me feeling torn between two emotions. I want to keep my husband safe and healthy. But I also want our old life back.

Yeah, what is Covid going to do?  Cripple or kill your husband?  

Actually, yes.

It feels selfish and trivial to say that amid my husband's plight. He is terrified that if he gets COVID again, it will be as harrowing as the first time. And it could trigger a flare up of his chronic illness.

But my feelings as his spouse are valid too, says James C. Jackson, a neuropsychologist at Vanderbilt University and author of Clearing the Fog: From Surviving to Thriving with Long COVID, A Practical Guide.

Yes, your feelings matter, not his health.

I'm even in my 7th decade, pretty healthy.

Neither my wife nor my eldest are, so I wear a mask in the store, and at work, etc., because while I might find the masking inconvenient, it won't kill me.  The lack of masking could kill them.

If you find that inconvenient, I would suggest that perhaps you need to your life and your relationship, perhaps with some professional help.


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