07 March 2024

Go Dartmouth!

I am not a fan of college hoops, but the Dartmouth Men’s Basketball just voted to unionize, and that is a good thing, both for unions and for the corrupt racket that is college sports:

At 13-2 in favor, it was not even close.

I am sure that there are some people who wringing their hands over the end of, "Student Athletes," but big time college athletics was really little more than slave labor, and has been so for decades:

Dartmouth College’s men’s basketball team voted 13 to 2 Tuesday to unionize, a potentially significant step in undermining the long-standing amateur model of college athletics. The National Labor Relations Board said in a statement that college officials must now “bargain in good faith” with the union, but Dartmouth officials signaled they were far from ready to concede the matter.

The director of the NLRB’s Northeast regional office, Laura A. Sacks, ruled last month that Dartmouth’s players were employees because “Dartmouth has the right to control the work performed by the men’s varsity basketball team, and because the players perform that work in exchange for compensation.” It made that declaration even though athletes in the Ivy League do not receive athletic scholarships, unlike most other athletes who play in the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division I.

The big time college coaches are getting 7 and 8 figures a year to manage players who work for free.

This is a step in the right direction.


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