05 March 2024

Bye Felicia

Conceding to the inevitable, Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema has announced that she will not stand for reelection this year.

Good riddance. 

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) announced that she will not seek reelection this year, avoiding an unpredictable three-way race in the swing state that had many national Democrats worried about holding onto the seat. 

The race was in no way unpredictable.  Incumbent Sinema was firmly in 3rd place in the polls, at less than half that of Gallego, and about ⅓ less than moon bat Kari Lake in a 3 way race.

She lacked the support to even be a spoiler in the general election.

“I believe in my approach, but it’s not what America wants right now,” Sinema said in a video announcing her plans that painted a bleak picture of a dysfunctional political system she no longer sees a place in.
Her approach is to engage in toxic narcissistic behavior.

When you look at her record in the House and the Senate, it becomes clear that there are no political positions driving her, she just wants to be the center of attention.

Not only did this explain her behavior, it allows one to predict her behavior.

She'll do fine though.  I expect her to find remunerative employment as a lobbyist for the firearms industry, slave labor, private prison companies, and cable companies.


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