06 March 2024

Bullsh%$ Bingo

Sam Altman, the current maven of, "Artificial Intelligence," and likely future criminal defendant for fraud, has a side gig, hawking the Worldcoin cryptocurrency, which juxtaposes the worst characteristics of crypto and biometrics.

Short version, he is offering Worldcoin to people if they scan their retinas so that it is more difficult for AI to masquerade as them.

I'm not quite sure how this works, any verification system will see an image of a retina as the same as an actual retinal scan, but there is a bezzle to be made.

It turns out that Spain is having none of this, they have ordered that Worldcoin and its Orb cease operating there, and that they stop working with the data collected:

Spain has moved to block Sam Altman’s cryptocurrency project Worldcoin, the latest blow to a venture that has raised controversy in multiple countries by collecting customers’ personal data using an eyeball-scanning “orb.”

The AEPD, Spain’s data protection regulator, has demanded that Worldcoin immediately ceases collecting personal information in the country via the scans and that it stops using data it has already gathered.

The regulator announced on Wednesday that it had taken the “precautionary measure” at the start of the week and had given Worldcoin 72 hours to demonstrate its compliance with the order.

Mar España Martí, AEPD director, said Spain was the first European country to move against Worldcoin and that it was impelled by special concern that the company was collecting information about minors.

“What we have done is raise the alarm in Europe. But this is an issue that affects... citizens in all the countries of the European Union,” she said. “That means there has to be coordinated action.”

Worldcoin, co-founded by Altman in 2019, has been offering tokens of its own cryptocurrency to people around the world, in return for their consent to have their eyes scanned by an orb.

The scans are used as a form of identification as it seeks to create a reliable mechanism to distinguish between humans and machines as artificial intelligence becomes more advanced.

Sam Altman claims that such a system is essential to preventing advanced AI systems from masquerading as humans.

Of course, what Sam Altman calls, "Advanced AI systems," I call, "An overgrown Eliza program with a lot of hype," buy YMMV.

Needless to say for both crypto and AI advocates, the real purpose is to create buzz for AI and an opportunity to make money from a pump and dump scheme, but they don't say this out loud.


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