26 October 2023

Thoughts and Prayers

Lewiston, Maine, 18 dead, 13 wounded with the gunman still at large by a firearms instructor recently released from a mental hospital.

What the f%$# is wrong with us?

Tricia Asselin laughed as she scattered the pins at the crowded Just-In-Time Recreation alley Wednesday night where two bowling leagues had gathered for a night of friendly competition.

Then a crash sounded – one that didn’t come from the lanes.

Her friend Chad Hopkins turned to face the source of the noise and found himself just 12 yards from a man adjusting a long, black rifle. He thought about charging the man but decided he’d never make it in time.

Instead, he turned to the Apple Valley bowling league members who filled the first 10 lanes and shouted, “Get out! There’s a shooter.”

The deadliest mass shooting in the United States in 2023 and the worst in Maine’s history had begun. Asselin, an unidentified Winthrop High School freshman, his father and 15 others were dead by Thursday morning.

Details are slowly emerging about the two shootings that claimed the lives of 18 people and injured 13 more in Lewiston Wednesday night. Three people remain in critical condition. Police have released little about a sweeping search for the Bowdoin man they believe is responsible for the carnage, which left the state paralyzed as schools and businesses remained closed Thursday and residents took cover indoors.

F%$# the NRA, f%$# the Roberts court for making sh%$ up about the 2nd amendment, and f%$# the political cowards who have given up.


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