26 May 2023

The Headline is Very Revealing

There are now reports that Elon Musk's company Neuralink has been granted approval for clinical studies of its brain implants in human beings.

The interesting thing is that when I searched the news about this, all the headlines were the same.

Not one said that the FDA granted approval, they all said something like, "Neuralink claims," or "Neuralink says," that it has FDA approval for human trials.

This is an odd, and rather contrived, way of stating this.

It's almost as if no one believes a word that the Apartheid Era Emerald Heir Pedo Guy™ says.

It's not like he did any of the following:

  • Falsified self driving demonstrations.
  • Falsified solar shingles.
  • Misstated sales and production number of Tesla cars.
  • Resold returned lemons.
  • Lied about recalls to customers.
  • Lied about a battery swap program.
  • Required customers with defective cars to sign non-disclosure agreements in order to get service.
  • Lied about accident rates at the factories.
  • Overstated Starlink speed and latency.
  • Overstated Starlink coverage.
  • Claimed regulatory approval for an east coast hyperlink loop.
  • Lied about his dad having an ownership interest in an emerald mine, after telling the truth about it 5 years earlier.

Oh, wait, he DID do all of those things.

Maybe Elon is just a lying sack of sh%$.


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