04 November 2022

Nepotism Much?

It appears that if the Democrats lose the house, Nancy Pelosi  is expected to resign from the house, which means that there will be a special election, and the leading candidate right now is Christine Pelosi.

Gee, that name sounds awfully familiar.

If this story sounds familiar, this is how the execrable Dan Lipinski ended spending 16 years in Congress kneecapping fellow Democrats until he was defeated Marie Newman.

Lipinski's dad quit, and the party establishment cleared the deck for the special election.

It looks like we are about to see a repeat.

Geriatric and corrupt is a toxic combination for any party's leadership:

A state politician with an activist reputation was making what sounded like a stump speech to tech workers on the San Francisco waterfront, promising to tackle the major issues confronting the city.

“The politics of San Francisco are shifting,” state Sen. Scott Wiener told Google employees last month, “so we’re going to solve some of these problems.”

Wiener didn’t mention one detail: He might be doing it from Washington.

Whether his next stop is, in fact, Congress sits at the heart of a behind-the-scenes political drama — one so sensitive the players won’t mention it in public, even as the rest of San Francisco and the country chatters about it.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a towering figure who has represented San Francisco for 35 years, is widely expected to step down if Republicans reclaim the House next week. In San Francisco, that’s a generational political event — opening up a seat in Congress that can amount to a lifetime tenure representing one of America’s wealthiest and most liberal cities. The scenario has everyone loyal to the speaker, including Wiener, tip-toeing around an impending political drama.
It should be noted that Pelosi originally won the seat in a special election after the local party establishment cleared the decks for her.

Wiener would be an obvious candidate for the open seat as a respected state politician whose legislative agenda makes him a fixture in the news. Except for one thing: The speaker may favor someone else who also happens to be named Pelosi.

Christine Pelosi, a Democratic activist who has served as a surrogate for her mother, is widely expected to pursue the seat if it opens. While she has made no public statements that could even be construed as an acknowledgment of her intentions, she regularly comments on social media and is active in Democratic Party affairs. She declined requests to comment about the future race for the seat, adding that she could talk after the November election.

But just because no one is publicly running for Nancy Pelosi’s seat doesn’t mean the campaign isn’t already underway.


Christine Pelosi often joins her mother at parades and campaign rallies in the Bay Area and events in Washington. She wrote a book about the speaker — who has praised Christine by name on the House floor — and tweets a clip, every Sunday morning, of her mother within the rising sun.

She has never held elected office, though she served as a prosecutor in San Francisco, worked for the Clinton administration and was chief of staff to former Rep. John Tierney. She has a long history in the Democratic trenches, serving as a Democratic National Committee member and chairing the California Democratic Party’s Women’s Caucus.


It could be far more consequential if Speaker Pelosi activates her formidable political machine on her daughter’s behalf, including a powerful national fundraising apparatus, helping to secure endorsements or pile up campaign funds.

This is profoundly corrupt and dysfunctional on so many levels.


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