03 September 2022

Pass the Popcorn

As Atrios frequently notes sarcastically, "I don't see how Donnie Two Scoops is going to wriggle out of this one," but the Oath Keepers in general, and Kellye SoRelle, a senior Oath Keepers attorney has no such impunity.

She was just arrested and charged with, "Conspiracy, obstruction of a federal proceeding, tampering with documents and misdemeanor trespassing in a restricted building or grounds."

Perhaps the various bar associations that she is a member of should investigate as well:

An attorney for the Oath Keepers who was with the group’s founder, Stewart Rhodes, outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was arrested Thursday in Texas on charges related to the attack on Congress, federal prosecutors announced.

Kellye SoRelle, 43, was arrested in Junction, Tex. In an indictment returned Wednesday, SoRelle was charged with four offenses — conspiracy, obstruction of a federal proceeding, tampering with documents and misdemeanor trespassing in a restricted building or grounds — prosecutors said.

She made an initial appearance Thursday afternoon before a federal judge in Austin where she was told she was eligible for court-appointed counsel and released on her own recognizance. SoRelle is scheduled to have a virtual hearing in D.C. on Tuesday.


In past court filings, federal prosecutors have cast SoRelle as a close adviser at key moments to Rhodes, one of about 20 alleged leaders or members of two far-right extremist groups who face the historically rare charge of seditious conspiracy. The charge accuses Oath Keepers and Proud Boys associates of conspiring to use force to oppose the authority of the federal government as well as to oppose the lawful transfer of power to President Biden in attacking the U.S. Capitol.


SoRelle also emerged in court filings as a point of contact between Rhodes and Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, a leader of the Proud Boys, on the eve of the Jan. 6 breach. Tarrio has been charged with seditious conspiracy along with four lieutenants. Video released in Tarrio’s case by his defense attorneys and U.S. prosecutors traced his movements in D.C., including his meeting in an underground parking garage with Rhodes on Jan. 5.

I am hoping that she is in for a world of hurt.

This prosecution is going to be like peeling an onion, and it has to go from the bottom to the very top.


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