11 September 2021

Cowardice is Always a Political Loser

The White House has withdrawn its nomination of David Chipman to head the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms because he hurts the NRA's feelings.

Seriously, anyone who is a serious ammosexual/NRA type is never going to vote for a Democrat, and all pandering to those folks is to embolden them, and demoralize your allies:

President Biden nominated Chipman, who worked at ATF for more than two decades before joining the gun-control group led by former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), in April as part of a larger effort to curb gun violence. But his nomination faced unified opposition from Republican senators as well as concerns from a handful of Senate Democrats from states friendly to gun rights.
Make them vote.  Record their votes.  This just gives them a win at no political cost to them.

To quote (not) Tallyrand, "It is worse than a crime, it is a mistake."


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