21 July 2021

Senate Gang of Morons, Meet Lucy and the Football

Is anyone surprised that, after all the effort trying to cut a "Bipartisan" deal, the Republicans have decided to back out of the deal?

This is always what happens, and they always have an excuse:  Funding Susan Collins' opponent in the election, not giving enough time for negotiations, because there is NEVER enough time for negotiations, Neera Tanden is being mean to them on Twitter, etc.

These negotiations are NEVER conducted in good faith.

Chuck Grassley strung along the spelunkers who were the Obama administration for something like 6 months and then made it clear that he would never give them something that might be seen as a win.

You don't negotiate with terrorists:

Republicans voted Wednesday to block the Senate from beginning debate on an infrastructure proposal, saying they wanted more time to finalize the details of the agreement.

But that doesn't mean the deal is dead.

The bipartisan group insists they are getting close to the finish line on how to finance the $579 billion package, even though the Democrats and Republicans disagreed about whether to formally begin consideration on the Senate floor.

They are not getting close to the finish line, and they never will.

It's really pretty simple:

Democrats' Political Calculus
Republicans' Political Calculus
Want a bipartisan deal to show that they can get things done to voters in a wah that demonstrates gravitas and realism. Want no deal to show that Democrats cannot be trusted to deliver on their promises to voters.
Want a party line deal to show that they can deliver something. Want a party line deal to show their base that they owned the libs.
No deal is their worst scenario, because it shows that they cannot do anything. A bipartisan deal is the worst scenario, because it shows that government, and Democrats can get things done in a non partisan manner

The only reason that Republicans might want to actually behave in a helpful manner is for the benefit of the country, but they believe that THEIR political success is the only measure of what benefits the country, because if the Democrats demonstrate that government can work, we will have a home grown Chairman Mao running things in a few years.

A group of 22 senators working on the deal — led by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., and Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio — said after the vote they "have made significant progress and are close to a final agreement."

Again, they would say that.

The Republicans have not been negotiating in good faith since the start of this, that is why they put the kibosh on properly funding the IRS to go after tax cheats.

They can claim that they have concerns about the political use of the IRS, but that is complete sh%$.

A well funded IRS has no more power to go after political targets than a poorly funded IRS.  It's the non-political law-breakers who get missed.

This is a formula for abject failure.


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