14 July 2021

Governor Ratf%$# Intends to Run for President

Maryland Governor Paul Hogan's behavior regarding his attempt to reveal extended unemployment benefits, he declined to appeal the judges decision slapping him down, strongly implies that it was a play to 2024 Republican Presidential primary voters.

This is his attempt to score some, "The Cruelty is the Point," credibility.

He can now claim that he tried, but that the liberal judiciary blocked him from doing the right thing:

A Baltimore judge on Tuesday blocked Gov. Larry Hogan’s attempt to end enhanced federal unemployment benefits early for tens of thousands of jobless Marylanders.

The preliminary injunction, issued by Baltimore City Circuit Judge Lawrence Fletcher-Hill, comes in a pair of lawsuits filed by out-of-work state residents who challenged Hogan’s decision to opt out of the pandemic-related programs.

Fletcher-Hill ordered the Hogan administration to keep paying the expanded benefits at least until the lawsuits are resolved. The judge found that the court challenges against Hogan have a substantial chance of prevailing in court.

A spokesman for Hogan indicated that the Republican governor won’t challenge Fletcher-Hill’s decision since a continued court battle likely will last beyond early September, when the federal expanded unemployment programs are slated to end.

It's a fairly transparent political ploy.


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