17 July 2020

This is Horrifying

After pumping about a dozen bullets into Breonna Taylor, the cops did nothing for 20 minutes as she slowly suffocated on her own blood.

When we are talking about reforming the police, creating a legal requirement to provide aid would be something that should be included:
Just after midnight March 13, three Louisville police officers fired more than 20 bullets into Breonna Taylor's apartment, striking her five times.

But she was still alive — at least briefly.

For at least five minutes, she was coughing as she struggled to breathe, according to her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, who told investigators she was alive as he called her mom and yelled for help.

"(Police are) yelling like, 'Come out, come out,' and I'm on the phone with her (mom). I'm still yelling help because she's over here coughing and, like, I'm just freaking out," Walker said in a recorded police interview three hours after the shooting.

The Jefferson County coroner disputes that account, telling The Courier Journal that Taylor likely died within a minute of being shot and couldn't have been saved.

But records show that no effort was made to save her.

For more than 20 minutes after Taylor was fatally shot at approximately 12:43 a.m. by Louisville officers, the 26-year-old emergency room technician lay where she fell in her hallway, receiving no medical attention, according to dispatch logs.
This is the rule, not the exception when police is involved.


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