14 July 2020

Support Your Local Police

A Baltimore police sergeant had a dispute with a contractor, so he detained the man while in uniform, and with 3 of his cop friends in attendance, used the threat of arrest to get a refund.

I will make a note here: This cop is a crook, and he probably has been for a long time, and he has made it to sergeant.

If you don't think that police need intense and major reform, you are either stupid or willfully blind:
A Baltimore Police Department homicide unit sergeant was ordered held without bail Friday after allegedly extorting, kidnapping and threatening to arrest a home contractor whose work he was unhappy with and whom he drove to a bank to withdraw money for a refund.

Three other homicide unit detectives were present at one point during the confrontation, and the department said a preliminary review indicates all were on duty at the time.

“You are going to give me my money back, and I’m going to give you freedom,” Sgt. James Lloyd told the contractor, according to charging documents.


The department said [Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael] Harrison had taken “swift and decisive action to the maximum state law allows.” His chief of staff, Eric Melancon, said the state Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights limited the commissioner’s options.
We really need to repeal the, "Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights," which is a license for corruption and misconduct by law enforcement.
Lloyd, a 21-year veteran of the city police department who was the lead detective on the investigation of the death of Detective Sean Suiter, was upset with a patio that a contractor had built, county police say.

He demanded a refund and confronted the contractor with information about his driver’s license being suspended, saying he could arrest him, according to charging documents. Then, authorities said, he made the victim get into Lloyd’s car. The victim told police that he feared being arrested and complied with Lloyd’s demands of going to the bank and getting a certified check for the refund, officials said.


At a bail review hearing Friday, defense attorney Matthew Fraling told Baltimore County District Court Judge Kimberly Thomas that the matter should be a civil issue and not criminal, saying it all stems from “poor construction” by contractor on a new patio.

“I agree 100% this should have stayed a civil matter,” replied county prosecutor Thomas Kane. “The defendant made certain decisions which grossly changed the character of the interaction with the victim.”

Fraling asked that Lloyd be released on his own recognizance, while Kane asked the judge to set “some monetary bail.” Thomas, however, said Lloyd posed a threat to public safety and ordered him held.
I'm glad that the judge refused bail.

This guy abused his office, and he involved other cops in his extortion attempt.  He is a menace, and needs to stay behind bard until his trial is done.


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