14 August 2014

House GOPer: Obama Impeachment Talk Is A 'Trap'

Actually, he looks less like an alien than John Boehner's "tan"
In the House, Representative Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) is warning his fellow party members that all the impeachment talk is a ploy from Obama and the Democrats:

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) last week said that Democrats are "desperate" for House Republicans to impeach President Obama, but warned the GOP against falling into such a "trap."

"Believe me, let’s make one thing perfectly clear. The only people who want impeachment more than the right wing of the Republican Party is the entire Democrat Party," Mulvaney said in an interview with WQSC 1340, according to audio obtained by Buzzfeed.

The congressman said that Democrats are using calls for impeachment to distract from other issues and raise money.

"They’re desperate for impeachment. They would love to be able to talk about impeachment and immigration between now and the November elections, instead of talking about jobs, and the economy, and health care," he said. "They are desperate to change the dialogue, which is exactly why you heard the president starting to talk about his amnesty cause he’s begging to be impeached."
This is completely unfair.

There are no Democrats who would attempt to extract political benefit from ……… Attempt to use impeachment ……… Sorry, I just cannot keep a straight face.

Of course this is what they are doing!  

The Republicans are being played for fools, and the Democratic politicians and consultants who are "condemning" the Teabaggers for calling for impeachment are the players doing this.

It's all they can do not to drool in public over the prospect.  (Well, Mark Penn is drooling a bit, but he always does)


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