12 August 2014

Google+ Won the Internet Today

No, this is not The Onion.

I just came across an account f%#$ing with telemarketers that should win the Nobel Price for f%$#ing with telemarketers:*
Today is a good day. I just had a call from a telemarketer. Did I yell and scream at them, you ask? Certainly not. Like a good IT administrator I put my skills to use for their benefit. Here's how the conversation went:

Computer: "Press 9 to not be contacted in the future. Press 4 to speak to someone about your mortgage issues"

TM: "Hello, are you having problems paying your mortgage?"
Me: "Hi, this is the IT department. We intercepted your call as we detected a problem with you phone and need to fix it."


That's right. I made a telemarketer unwittingly factory reset his phone which means he will be unable to make anymore calls until someone is able to reconfigure his phone and that will take at least an hour or longer if they can't do it right away!
Needless to say, I am following the author of this, Chris Blasko, like forever.

Read the rest.  I had never thought to do this, but now, I am considering donating a dime to the NRSC, the RCCC, the RNC, Newsmax, and a couple of Teabagger groups to get on their call lists so that I can f%$# with them this way.

*I know that there is no Nobel Prize for f%$#ing with telemarketers, but there should be. If they have prizes for Peace, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Physiology, and Economics, they really should have one for f%$#ing with telemarketers.


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